Low Alloy Steel Products
Low alloy steels are widely used for the production of pipes, automotive and aerospace bodies, railway lines and offshore and onshore structural engineering plates. High-strength low alloy steel is used in these areas due to its corrosion resistance properties.Low Alloy Steel Products
Low alloy steel products are widely used for the production of pipes, automotive and aerospace bodies, railway lines and offshore and onshore structural engineering plates. High-strength low alloy steel is used in these areas due to its corrosion resistance properties. Low alloy steels typically contain less than 10% alloying elements (C, Mn, Cr, Ni, Mo, V and Si combined). Accurate and fast elemental analysis is a critical requirement during the production of steel. It is not only required for compliance with quality standards, but it also enables the steel producer to save costs in an increasingly competitive environment.
AISI 4130 Alloy Steel
UNS G41300
AISI 4130 alloy steel is a chromium-molybdenum alloy steel and is considered a low carbon steel. AISI 4130 alloy steel is popularly known as Chromoly in the commercial market. AISI 4130 alloy steel properties make it a versatile metal, especially mechanical properties such as high ductility, good weldability, and machinability. AISI 4130 alloy steel is exceptional welding steel, which you can weld by most common methods, and machine it at normalized or tempered conditions. When heat-treated, AISI 4130 alloy steel develops mechanical properties that make it a very strong metal, although it can lose some of its machinability.
Military aircraft, commercial jets, automotive, machine tools, hydraulics, motor sports, aerospace, and welded tubing (especially in the oil and gas industries)
AISI 4140 Alloy Steel
UNS G41400
AISI 4140 alloy steel is an cold drawn annealed steel of relatively high hardenability with its chromium content provides good hardness penetration, and the molybdenum imparts uniformity of hardness and high strength. AISI 4140 alloy steel Round responds well to heat-treatment and is relatively easy to machine in the annealed condition. AISI 4140 alloy steel Round has good strength and wear resistance, excellent toughness, coupled with good ductility, and the ability to resist stress at elevated temperatures.
Aerospace, oil, gas, automotive, agricultural, and defense industries, specifically gears, shafts, spindles, fixtures, and collars.
AISI 4145 Alloy Steel
UNS G41450
AISI 4145 alloy steel containing 0.20% molybdenum is widely used particularly throughout oil patch applications. Similar to AISI 4140 alloy steel which has a lower carbon level it has improved hardenability and is more commonly used at higher strength levels. Larger diameters are often supplied with higher molybdenum level, 0.35% max, this may also be used on higher strength variants at smaller diameters. AISI 4145 alloy steel is used extensively for drill collars.
Suitable for downhole drilling tools such as subs, crossovers, drill collars, pup-joints and fishing tools. General engineering applications include components exposed to heavy strain, such as shafts, gear, bolts etc.
AISI 4330V Alloy Steel
UNS K23080
AISI 4330V alloy steel is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum-vanadium alloy steel that belongs to low-alloy high-strength structural steel. As an improved version of 4330 alloy steel grade, AISI 4330V alloy steel improves hardenability by adding vanadium, and can obtain higher strength and low temperature impact resistance after quenching and tempering heat treatment. AISI 4330V alloy steel is suitable for parts subject to impact load or stress concentration.
Oil tools, drill bits, jars, tool holders and reamers, bolted joints and air frames
AISI 4340 Alloy Steel
UNS G43400
AISI 4340 alloy steel is a medium carbon, low alloy steel known for its toughness and strength in relatively large sections. AISI 4340 alloy steel is also one kind of nickel chromium molybdenum steels. AISI 4340 alloy steel is generally supplied hardened and tempered in the tensile range of 930 – 1080 Mpa. Pre-hardened and tempered AISI 4340 alloy steel can be further surface hardened by flame or induction hardening and by nitriding. AISI 4340 alloy steel has good shock and impact resistance as well as wear and abrasion resistance in the hardened condition. AISI 4340 alloy steel properties offer good ductility in the annealed condition, allowing it to be bent or formed.
Power transmission gears and shafts, aircraft landing gear, and other structural parts
AISI 8620 Alloy Steel
UNS G86200
AISI 8620 alloy steel is a low alloy nickel, chromium, molybdenum case hardening steel, generally supplied in the as rolled condition with a maximum hardness HB 255max. AISI 8620 alloy steel offers high external strength and good internal strength, making it highly wear resistant. AISI 8620 alloy steel has a higher core strength than grades 8615 and 8617. AISI 8620 alloy steel is flexible during hardening treatments, thus enabling improvement of case/core properties. Pre-hardened and tempered (uncarburized) AISI 8620 alloy steel can be further surface hardened by nitriding but will not respond satisfactorily to flame or induction hardening due to its low carbon content.
Gears, cranks, shafting, axles, bushings, heavy duty pins, bolting, springs, hand tools, chains, and many other machinery parts
ASTM A182 F22 Alloy Steel
UNS K21590 | ASTM A182
ASTM A182 F22 alloy steel is a low alloy steel predominately used in wellhead applications as an upgrade over AISI 4130. ASTM A182 F22 alloy steel is a very deep hardening, heat treatable alloy steel that contains nominally .12% Carbon, with 2.25% Chromium and 1.0% Molybdenum as the primary hardening elements. The popularity of ASTM A182 F22 alloy steel stems from its improved weldability over 4130 while maintaining good strength and excellent impact properties deeper into the product. Hardness levels up to 22 HRC are approved to NACE MR0175. ASTM A182 F22 alloy steel is often used as the base metal for clad components.
Oilfield wellheads, applications for connectors, hangers and block valves, and a wide range of fittings and flanges
Specialty Steel Supply makes all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the data found on this website and the associated documents but makes no representations or warranties as to the data’s accuracy, correctness or reliability. All data are for general information only and not for providing design advice. It is the responsibility of the user to test specific alloys under actual service conditions to determine their suitability for a particular purpose.
Stainless and Alloys
We collaborate to help you exceed requirements by bringing your best ideas forward and eliminating non-conformance.

Specialty Steel Supply Inc. is one of the largest distributors of austenitic, precipitation hardened, duplex and martensitic stainless steels. We have a wide range of products and types of stainless steel round bar and our well trained staff offers many years of experience in all aspects of the steel industry. Our ability to procure and source metals from all parts of the world allows us to stay competitive in a global marketplace. We are committed to developing and servicing just in time inventory programs.
Specialty Steel Supply
19201 Circle Lake Drive
Pinehurst, Texas 77362
Business Hours
Sunday - Closed